FDA Approves ResQCPR System as a Lifesaving Device for Cardiac Arrest Victims

ResQCPR System, a device used for increasing the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims, is now approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This system is a set of two devices which are used by the first responders for performing CPR on heart failure victims. It has been proved that ResQCPR System improves the survival chances of a person whose heart stops beating out-of-hospital. The two devices in this system are designed to be used simultaneously while performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on an adult non-traumatic cardiac arrest, out-of-hospital patient. The first device called the ResQPump Active Compression Decompression CPR Device, is used for delivering compressions and lifting for decompressions whereas the second device called the ResQPod 16.0 Impedance Threshold Device, holds up airflow into the chest at the time of chest decompression performed with ResQPump. Thus, when used simultaneously during CPR, these two devices can raise oxygenated blood circulation through the body of the victim. The acting director of the Office of Device Evaluation in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, William Maisel explained that, "Most people who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital die. The ResQCPR System may increase oxygenated blood circulation during CPR, which in turn may improve the likelihood of survival in adult patients with out-of-hospital, non-traumatic cardiac arrest." The ResQCPR System is approved by the FDA after reviewing the clinical trial results that proved that the survival rate of the subjects who got CPR through ResQCPR System was much more than the ones who received standard CPR. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm437247.htm


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ResQCPR System, a device used for increasing the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims, is now approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This system is a set of two devices which are used by the first responders for performing CPR on heart failure victims. It has been proved that ResQCPR System improves the survival chances of a person whose heart stops beating out-of-hospital. The two devices in this system are designed to be used simultaneously while performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on an adult non-traumatic cardiac arrest, out-of-hospital patient. The first device called the ResQPump Active Compression Decompression CPR Device, is used for delivering compressions and lifting for decompressions whereas the second device called the ResQPod 16.0 Impedance Threshold Device, holds up airflow into the chest at the time of chest decompression performed with ResQPump. Thus, when used simultaneously during CPR, these two devices can raise oxygenated blood circulation through the body of the victim. The acting director of the Office of Device Evaluation in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, William Maisel explained that, "Most people who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital die. The ResQCPR System may increase oxygenated blood circulation during CPR, which in turn may improve the likelihood of survival in adult patients with out-of-hospital, non-traumatic cardiac arrest." The ResQCPR System is approved by the FDA after reviewing the clinical trial results that proved that the survival rate of the subjects who got CPR through ResQCPR System was much more than the ones who received standard CPR. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm437247.htm

Vlad Magdalin

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